You are here: Home / In the Press Deseret News – Proposed SARMs Control Act could be tougher
May 7, 2018/by Marisa GonzalezNatural Products Insider Updates on Enhanced Athlete Case
April 12, 2018/by taulersmithFalse advertising lawsuit wrongly dismissed; 9th U.S. Circuit panel rules in favor of Tauler Smith client
January 25, 2018/by taulersmithCivil laws clean up the illicit sports supplement marketplace as FDA is overwhelmed, underfunded
January 4, 2018/by taulersmithAllergan PLC sues compounding pharmacies over false advertising
November 27, 2017/by taulersmith‘Seminal’ Allergan Cases Test Copycat Drug Limits
November 27, 2017/by taulersmithThe Guardian: U.K. sellers of deadly pesticide for weight loss unmasked in California lawsuit
October 13, 2017/by taulersmithUK raids uncover suspected suppliers of deadly diet drug
October 13, 2017/by taulersmithWall Street Journal reports on Tauler Smith’s battle against SARMs
October 12, 2017/by taulersmithLawsuit: Consumers’ health at risk due to Sacramento supplement company’s false advertising claims
September 8, 2017/by taulersmithSacramento lawyer ‘Dr. Tony Huge’ faces lawsuit over supplement claims
September 8, 2017/by taulersmithLegal Loopholes For Dietary Supplements Must Be Sealed
January 4, 2017/by taulersmith Scroll to top