
Jury Trial Experience

Why Jury Trial Experience Matters

Jury Trial Experience

If you have a looming trial and you are not entirely sure that you are being represented by the right attorney, it is vital to understand exactly why jury trial experience matters. Just because an attorney is called a “litigator” does not mean that they have the type of experience needed to handle a jury trial in a California state or federal court. In fact, many people are shocked when they learn that a lot of jury trials are argued by lawyers with little to no actual experience in the courtroom. These days, far too many lawyers want to settle regardless of the terms of the settlement offer because they are terrified by the thought of having to present their client’s case to a jury. The Los Angeles trial lawyers at Tauler Smith LLP have tried countless cases in front of juries at both the state and federal level, and you can benefit greatly from our experience.

Keep reading this blog for more information about jury trials.

Jury Trials Are on the Decline in California and Nationwide

The number of jury trials in California, New York, Florida, and across the U.S. has been on a steady decline for several years. Part of the reason for this is the financial cost of going to trial, which can make it tough for litigants to justify moving forward with their cases. Another reason for the decline in jury trials is that far too many lawyers are afraid to take a case to trial because they don’t have enough actual courtroom experience. All of this has resulted in more pre-trial settlements and fewer jury trials.

The decline in jury trials is a problem because they often provide individuals with their best opportunity to get justice in a legal dispute. In fact, many of the most significant civil disputes are still decided by jury trials.

Jury Trials Are Different from Bench Trials

The truth is that your current lawyer’s experience with bench trials, arbitrations, and other types of court proceedings doesn’t necessarily mean that they can effectively represent you in a jury trial. Jury trials are typically won or lost on the basis of the litigation team, which is why you want to be backed by a lawyer who has actual litigation experience and who knows how to communicate your story to a jury.

Litigation Experience in the Courtroom

Trial work is very different from other types of legal work because it requires a high degree of expertise in several areas: the relevant practice area, legal writing, oral advocacy, and litigation. That’s why you want a lawyer with jury trial experience that includes trying cases involving business fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, employment law, and criminal defense.

It is important to recognize that there is a key difference between “litigation” and “experience.” It’s not good enough for a lawyer to promote themselves as a litigator if they do not have meaningful experience trying cases in front of a jury. Many of these so-called litigators will claim that they want to go to trial, but then they will force a bad settlement agreement with the other side at the last moment. Additionally, many litigators who have handled bench trials, arbitrations, and court hearings do not fully understand everything that goes into a jury trial, which requires a particular storytelling style and unique litigation skills. The bottom line is that your lawyer needs to be able to persuade a jury.

Settlements vs. Trials

The truth is that some attorneys just aren’t cut out for trying cases in a courtroom. Most cases settle, which is why most lawyers don’t have significant trial experience – and this is especially true for jury trials. If your case goes to trial, you are going to want an experienced litigator who understands both the literal law and the trial strategy needed to convince jurors that they should find in your favor.

California Attorneys with Jury Trial Experience You Can Count On

If you need to bring in a new lawyer on the eve of trial, it is important that you hire last-minute trial counsel with solid litigation experience. When you hire Tauler Smith LLP to handle your legal matter, you will get attorneys who will never, ever quit on you. We are also not afraid to take on the tough cases that other firms run away from. That’s because our Los Angeles trial attorneys know how to win in court.

Our attorneys are extremely comfortable trying cases because we practically live in the courtroom. When a client hires us to represent them, they can trust that we are not just looking to get a quick settlement offer and avoid trial. Our expectation is always that we will fight extremely hard for our clients and help them win at trial.

Contact the Los Angeles Trial Team at Tauler Smith LLP

The California litigation attorneys at Tauler Smith LLP have experience trying late-notice cases in front of juries. You can count on our skilled last-minute trial lawyers to handle your case because we are battle-tested in both state and federal courtrooms. Call 310-590-3927 or email us now to schedule a free consultation.

Change Lawyers During Trial

Can You Change Lawyers During a Trial?

Change Lawyers During Trial

Although it is never easy to make the decision to change lawyers, this is a move that may be necessary if you have lost confidence in your representation. After all, you are the one who will have to live with the consequences if your lawyer loses the case. So, you should feel comfortable doing everything you can to give yourself the best chance of a successful verdict. But what happens if your trial is already in progress? Can you change lawyers during a trial? Depending on the circumstances, it may be possible for you to request a continuance so that you can replace your current legal counsel with a new last-minute trial lawyer.

Read this blog to learn more about hiring a replacement attorney to handle your trial.

When Should You Hire a Replacement Attorney?

A lot of people assume that only one lawyer will handle a case all the way from its early stages to its concluding verdict at trial. But the truth is that the lawyer who initially took the case is not necessarily the lawyer who will be handling the case when it reaches trial. That’s because pre-trial practitioners are not the same as trial lawyers, and the various stages of a lawsuit or legal action tend to require different skill sets, with some lawyers better suited than others to try a case in front of a judge or jury.

These are some of the main reasons you may need to replace your current counsel before trial:

  • Your current attorneys are not aggressive enough.
  • Your current attorneys are not confident enough.
  • Your current attorneys constantly talk about settling.
  • Your current attorneys are unable to continue due to illness.


Afraid to Go to Trial

If your attorney is not comfortable with litigation and is afraid to go to trial, they may encourage you to settle on terms that are not very favorable. This would obviously be a bad outcome for you.

The Los Angeles last-minute trial lawyers at Tauler Smith LLP excel at trial work, which is why we are not afraid to take your case to court. We possess the knowledge of the law and the courtroom expertise needed to win even the most difficult trials, including business litigation, breach of fiduciary duty, employment law defense, and criminal defense. Although we are adept at negotiating favorable settlement deals on behalf of our clients, we also prepare every case with the belief that it will go to trial. This allows us to always be ready for a legal fight in the courtroom because we are never caught off guard.


Of course, it’s not always your attorney’s fault that they are no longer best suited to represent you. For instance, perhaps your current attorney fell ill during the trial. Sometimes, life can get in the way of our plans. Regardless of the reasons for you needing to hire a new attorney, it’s important that you react quickly. If your attorney got sick and is no longer able to represent you, the court should allow you to hire a replacement attorney. Moreover, your new attorney should be given extra time so that they can get caught up on the case. It’s also possible that a mistrial will be declared in a situation like this, which would give you additional time to find a new lawyer.

How to Change Attorneys During Trial

If your attorney switch is happening during the trial, you will need to have a notification filed with the court. Additionally, when you make the decision to move on from your current representation and hire a new attorney to handle your trial, you need to request your case file. This is especially important if the attorney switch is being made at a late stage because time is limited, and you want your new lawyer to get to work on your behalf as quickly as possible.

The truth is that judges are usually reluctant to grant a continuance, especially once the trial has started. That’s why you need to make sure that your new attorneys are experienced litigators who can quickly get up to speed and take over the case, whether it’s in a California courtroom or in federal court. The Los Angeles last-minute trial attorneys at Tauler Smith LLP are flexible to clients’ needs. This means that we can work alongside your original legal counsel or we can take over the case completely. We will adjust to the circumstances of your unique situation and make sure that every decision is made with one goal in mind: helping you win the case.

Contact the California Last-Minute Trial Lawyers at Tauler Smith LLP

If you are looking for new representation in your legal dispute, the Los Angeles last-minute trial attorneys at Tauler Smith LLP can help you. Our legal team has broad experience trying cases in state and federal courtrooms, including courts in California, Texas, Florida, and New York.

Call 310-590-3927 or contact us online to discuss your case.

What Client Does Before Trial

Trial Preparation: What Can the Client Do Before Trial?

What Client Does Before Trial

As experienced Los Angeles last-minute trial attorneys, we know how to quickly prepare a case for trial when we take over in the 11th hour.  But this doesn’t mean the client is uninvolved or has nothing to do as we get ready to argue the case before a judge or jury. So, what does the client do before trial? The Tauler Smith litigation team believes that clients can play a very big role in helping us to prepare cases for trial, whether that involves providing us with valuable information about the case, communicating during settlement discussions, or being involved in strategy conversations.

Read this blog for more information about what clients can do to get ready for trial in a California courtroom.

How the Client Can Help Their Lawyer Win at Trial in a California Courtroom

The client has an important role in the lead-up to trial. Although you won’t be involved in the actual legal work or technical trial preparation, you can still contribute in very meaningful ways.

Provide Case Information

For starters, you are an invaluable resource because you will know the facts of the case as well as anyone. Your attorneys may have questions for you as they research and get ready for trial, and you may be asked to fill in gaps in the fact pattern, provide background information on potential witnesses, and offer insights into the case.

Clients are often the best source for evidence since they will probably know the location of relevant documents, in addition to gaining access to those documents once they are located. This can be particularly helpful in business litigation cases and employment defense cases where discovery may cover a lot of evidence, as well as late-notice cases where the trial date is quickly approaching and time is limited.

Settlement Discussions

The client also needs to be involved in any settlement conversations, providing guidance to the attorney. Ultimately, you will have to make the call about whether you find a settlement offer acceptable, and you certainly should not let anyone else sway you because you are the one who will have to live with the decision. Sometimes, it’s better to take the financial settlement being offered and be done with the stress of litigation. Or you might be so personally invested in the case that getting your day in court and seeking justice is most important to you.

Witness Prep

While attorneys typically take the lead when it comes to preparing witnesses to testify at trial, the client is also very helpful in this regard. That’s because the client will probably have some kind of relationship with the witnesses, which can make it easier to encourage their testimony. The client’s familiarity with the other witnesses can also provide insight into how they might react to certain types of questioning.

Additionally, if expert witnesses are needed for the trial, the client may be helpful when it comes to helping prepare the expert. After all, the client will still know more about the particular facts of the case, and the expert can probably benefit by learning the specifics before testifying.

In many cases, the client will also take the stand to testify at trial. Before this happens, the client should be prepared by their attorneys so that they know exactly what to expect and how to frame their narrative while on the stand. Moreover, the client should be prepared for cross-examination so that they won’t be caught off guard by aggressive questioning from the opposing side.

Trial Strategy

Strong communication between the attorney and their client is extremely important. The client should always feel comfortable asking questions about the case. Your lawyer works for you, not the other way around. Your last-minute trial counsel should keep you informed at all times about what is happening. Additionally, if you are unsure about the direction that your attorneys are taking the case, you should definitely speak up and voice those concerns. Clients should always play a role in the trial strategy.

Client feedback can also be extremely helpful. Sometimes, the litigators get so caught up in the legal arguments that they forget the human element at play in a trial. Cases are presented to jurors, and those jurors typically don’t know much about the actual law or the applicable statutes. They need to be persuaded at a human level, and this is where feedback from the client can provide valuable insight: how the client reacts to a particular argument, trial tactic, or theme may be some indication of how the jury will react.

Contact the Experienced Los Angeles Trial Lawyers at Tauler Smith LLP

The Tauler Smith LLP trial lawyers handle cases in California, New York, Texas, Florida, and across the United States. We go to great lengths to ensure that our litigators are in frequent communication with clients throughout the legal process because we want clients to stay informed. We also want our clients to be involved in any important decisions that need to be made before trial.

We will do everything in our power to maximize your chances of winning in court. Call 310-590-3927 or email us to schedule a free consultation.

Last-Minute Trial Lawyer

Do You Need a Last-Minute Trial Lawyer?

Last-Minute Trial Lawyer

How do you know if you need a last-minute trial lawyer? Although changing your lawyer at a late stage might not seem ideal, it might also be your best option if you truly believe that your current counsel is not sufficiently prepared to argue your case at trial. At the end of the day, it’s your case. You deserve to be represented by an attorney who will fight for you and who will give you the best chance of winning. The California last-minute trial team at Tauler Smith LLP handles a wide range of legal matters in emergency situations, including business fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, and employment law. We know how to argue your case in court and help you get the best possible outcome.

Read this blog to find out whether you need a last-minute trial attorney.

Reasons You May Need to Hire a Last-Minute Trial Attorney

There are any number of reasons that a client might start looking for last-minute trial counsel:

  1. Personality clash between the client and their lawyer.
  2. Client and lawyer don’t see eye to eye on how to best handle the case.
  3. The attorney is failing to communicate with the client about what is happening with the case.
  4. The attorney appears to be afraid to take the case to trial.


  1. Attorney and Client Don’t Get Along

You and your current attorney might not be meshing well. Sometimes, there is a personality clash that can’t be overcome. Although it might still be possible for your attorney to win, it’s not ideal to head into trial when the attorney and the client are not on the same wavelength. After all, it’s your case and your story that will be told to the jury – so you should have a say in what happens during pre-trial prep and which arguments get made during the trial.

  1. Disagreement About Trial Strategy

You and your current attorney might disagree over the trial strategy. The attorney may be the legal expert, but you should still have a say in what arguments get made and how your story is presented to the jury. It’s possible that your lawyer has a trial strategy that you are not on board with, and that’s okay. The best thing to do in these situations is often to move on and find a new lawyer who is a better fit.

  1. Lack of Communication

Your attorney needs to keep you informed about the case. It is crucial that you remain involved throughout the legal process, including trial preparation and strategy. If your lawyer is failing to tell you about important developments, or if they are simply non-responsive when you try to contact them, it may be in your best interest to find another lawyer.

  1. Attorney Is Afraid of Trial

Is your current attorney pushing for a bad settlement, even when the other side refuses to make a fair settlement offer? Then you may need a new attorney who is not afraid to take your case to trial and present your side to a judge or jury. Our Los Angeles last-minute trial team lives for trial work, and we’ve got the background and record to prove it.

How Our Last-Minute Trial Lawyers Can Help You Win

When a lawyer takes over a case at the 11th hour, they need more than just legal knowledge and strong argumentative skills. They must be capable of making lightning-quick decisions and adjusting on the fly to new evidence and unexpected arguments by the opposition. In fact, it is very possible that last-minute trial counsel could be your last hope of prevailing and getting the trial result you deserve.

The skilled California litigators at Tauler Smith LLP can take over your case and prepare for trial on extremely short notice, which is what you need to win. We take pride in putting all our energy, passion, and knowledge into helping our clients get legal justice. Additionally, we have a track record of success when it comes to securing successful verdicts in both bench trials and jury trials throughout the U.S., including California, Texas, New York, and Florida.

Need Last-Minute Trial Counsel? Contact a California Parachute Trial Lawyer

You deserve to be represented by an experienced attorney who is comfortable making arguments in the courtroom and who knows how to persuasively present your story to a jury. The Los Angeles last-minute trial lawyers at Tauler Smith LLP have decades of combined experience representing clients in both federal and state courtrooms. Additionally, we are extremely proud of our track record of success in litigation.

Call 310-590-3927 or send an email now to schedule a free consultation.

Last-Minute Trial Lawyers

5 Signs You Need a Last-Minute Trial Lawyer

Last-Minute Trial Lawyers

If you are frustrated with your current attorneys, it is important to understand why that is. What are the 5 signs you need a last-minute trial lawyer? Perhaps your current lawyer is not telling the right story about your case and failing to focus on the right things. Or maybe they are trying too hard to settle when it is clear that you want to go to trial. Once you recognize that your attorneys are not getting the job done, it may be time for you to hire replacement counsel to represent you at trial in your business fraud case, breach of fiduciary duty complaint, intellectual property claim, employment law matter, or other legal dispute.

Read this blog to learn the signs you need a last-minute trial attorney to handle your case.

Experienced Last-Minute Trial Counsel Can Prepare Your Case at the 11th Hour

Sometimes, it becomes clear that your current lawyer just isn’t effective. This can be even more obvious when your current lawyer is not prepared to handle your case during the impending trial. Consulting with emergency counsel about your last-minute trial situation may be just the thing you need to get the case back on track.

Trial preparation is vital if you are going to have any chance of winning the case when it is presented to a judge or jury. The Los Angeles last-minute trial attorneys at Tauler Smith LLP know how to prepare a case at the eleventh hour because we have done it before in state and federal courtrooms across the country, including California, Texas, New York, and Florida. Our experienced litigators will provide you with a last-minute consultation to evaluate your case in advance of an upcoming trial. Whether your trial is still a few months away or it is just about to start, we can help you. We will take a hard look at the evidence, witness transcripts, and case briefs, and then come up with an effective trial strategy that is tailored to your particular case.

Red Flags That Your Current Attorneys Are Not Ready for Trial

You need to pay careful attention to your attorneys in the months and weeks leading up to trial. If you determine that your current counsel is not prepared for trial, or that they are simply unwilling to take the case to trial, you should consider getting outside assistance for last-minute trial representation.

There are a number of red flags that you need to be on the lookout for when it comes to your current legal representation. These are a few of the signs that you may need to hire a parachute trial lawyer:

  1. You are not being included in the trial preparation process.
  2. The case is getting more complicated.
  3. Your current attorneys are unreasonably overconfident about winning at trial.
  4. Your current attorneys are afraid to take the case to trial.
  5. Your current attorneys are not prepared to communicate your story to the jury.


  1. You Are Not Being Included in Trial Preparation

Even if you are involved in a complex legal dispute, your attorney should still strive to make sure that you understand everything involved in the case and that you are being included in the formation and development of trial strategy. Your involvement in strategizing for trial can be extremely important because you have unique insight into the case facts, parties, evidence, etc. Additionally, the trial is going to be your opportunity to have your story presented to a judge or jury in an official legal setting, and you should certainly have a say in what kind of story gets told and which arguments are made.

  1. The Case Is Getting Too Complicated

Experienced litigators recognize that your case is supposed to get easier to understand as the trial date approaches. If that is not happening, and if the amount of evidence and number of claims and defenses is greatly expanding, then you need to consider whether your current legal counsel is who you want handling the trial and arguing your case to a judge or jury. The reality is that preparing a strong trial strategy is almost always going to be easier when attorneys are able to focus on a few key arguments that can be presented to jurors in a comprehensible way.

  1. Your Attorneys Are Overconfident

It’s good for a lawyer to be confident about winning a case at trial, but you don’t want your attorney to be so confident that they ignore obvious warning signs. Attorneys need to rigorously test their arguments before trial, and this typically involves anticipating counterarguments that might be raised by the other side. Unfortunately, some lawyers become so enamored with their own case that they can’t recognize possible flaws and weak spots, which is how winnable cases end up being lost once the trial begins. Bringing on new last-minute trial representation who can offer a fresh perspective is often the best move you can make in these situations because it will allow you to challenge your own arguments and then craft the best possible trial strategy.

  1. Your Attorneys Are Afraid to Go to Trial

The flip side of an attorney having too much confidence about a case is an attorney who does not have enough confidence to take a case to trial. Unfortunately, far too many lawyers simply don’t have experience actually trying cases in a courtroom, which causes them to seek bad settlements on behalf of their clients rather than pursuing justice at trial. The California last-minute trial team at Tauler Smith LLP is not afraid to take on late-notice cases and go to trial. We prepare every case with the expectation that it will go to trial, and we do so with meticulous precision.

  1. Your Attorneys Can’t Communicate to Jury

The trial is your opportunity to tell the jury your story so that they understand why you deserve to win. When your lawyer is not capable of developing a jury-friendly story that can be easily understood, things can go off the rails very quickly. Additionally, the failure of your attorney to persuade the jury will open the door for the other side to “educate” jurors and frame the case in a way that is not favorable to you. You always want your story to be the one that gets communicated to the jury, but this requires a compelling theme and strong storytelling skills, which is what effective litigators are best at. A new lawyer can help you craft a clear-cut, unified message and ensure that the jury hears what you want them to hear during the trial.

Need Emergency Legal Counsel? Contact an Experienced California Last-Minute Trial Lawyer

If you have lost confidence in your trial counsel and the trial date is looming, you need to act quickly. The California last-minute trial lawyers at Tauler Smith LLP have been practicing in litigation for their entire legal careers. We can discuss your case and help you evaluate your options, whether the trial date is 90 days away or coming up next week.

Call 310-590-3927 or send us an email to discuss your case.

Last-Minute Trial Lawyers

California Last-Minute Trial Lawyers

Last-Minute Trial Lawyers

The stakes are extremely high when a case goes to trial. One slip-up by your attorney could spell disaster for you. That’s why it is crucial for you to be represented by an attorney who understands both the letter of the law and the nuances of the legal system, including how trials work. The skilled California last-minute trial lawyers at Tauler Smith LLP will make sure that your case is ready to be presented to a judge or jury, even if the clock is ticking and time is running out. Our attorneys know how to provide “rescue counsel” because we have been asked to step in at the last moment for trials in California, Texas, and New York – and we can do the same for you.

Los Angeles Last-Minute Trial Attorneys Who Can Prepare for Trial Quickly

Last-minute trial attorneys know that time is not on your side, especially when trial is on the horizon. An attorney who has experience taking over cases at the last moment will be ready to make quick decisions before it is too late.

At Tauler Smith LLP, our parachute trial attorneys can handle cases late in the litigation process because we know how to quickly prepare a case for trial. Our last-minute “rescue counsel” is prepared to take over your case immediately. If you have a trial scheduled to start next month, next week, or even tomorrow, you may want to request a continuance so that you can hire new lawyers to represent you.

California Litigators with Extensive Trial Experience in State and Federal Courts

Statistics clearly show that having an experienced attorney on your side can dramatically improve your chances of success, especially if the case goes to trial.

Not many firms can provide strong legal representation at the eleventh hour. But that is where Tauler Smith LLP thrives. Our Los Angeles last-minute trial counsel includes litigators with extensive trial experience in a wide range of practice areas, including business fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, and intellectual property. We also routinely represent clients in both state and federal courts all over the country.

A Winning Trial Strategy for Your Case

A good trial lawyer understands the importance of building a theme to present to the jury. When your attorneys start to build your theme, they should ask certain questions to test it. Do the facts bear out the theme? What was the previous testimony in the case? Are there any supporting documents?

When you hire the Los Angeles last-minute trial lawyers at Tauler Smith LLP, we will start by reviewing all the evidence, court documents, case briefs, and trial strategy up to that point. Then we will put it all together to formulate a new strategy designed to maximize your chances of winning.

Additionally, our seasoned litigators know how to effectively argue on your behalf in the courtroom to get you the desired result. We are problem-solvers capable of coming up with creative solutions to complex legal issues, which is particularly useful when taking on a case at the last possible moment.

You Want Emergency Counsel That Is Ready to Take Your Case to Trial

One of the things that makes a good trial lawyer is confidence. There are a lot of risks in last-minute trials, so your attorney needs to be absolutely fearless. Additionally, the best trial lawyers know that the client always comes first. Your lawyer should be focused on one thing and one thing only: advocating for you at all times. If your attorney is scared or worried about losing, then they won’t be prepared to win at trial.

The Tauler Smith litigation team always plans for trial, not settlement. Our attorneys actually love trying cases in the courtroom because that’s where all of our planning, preparation, and hard work finally pays off for our client.

California Last-Minute Trial Lawyers with Storytelling Skills to Persuade the Jury

Both sides in a trial will tell a story. The only question to be answered at trial is: which side will the judge or jury believe?

Tauler Smith LLP attorneys are skilled litigators because we understand the law and we know how to tell a compelling story in the courtroom. Crafting a client’s story can often be just as important as making the right legal arguments, which is why our law firm has a well-earned reputation as the go-to law firm for individuals in need of last-minute trial representation.

Replacing Your Current Legal Counsel with Experienced Trial Attorneys

Are you ready to move on from your current lawyer? When the Tauler Smith LLP last-minute trial team is called to step in at the 11th hour, it’s usually because the client is not happy with their current counsel. Sometimes, this is because the case hasn’t been sufficiently prepared for trial. Other times, the case is ready, but the client does not have confidence in their attorney to present it to a jury. Our litigators excel in the courtroom, so we are not afraid to take on a case at the last minute and then go to trial almost immediately.

Contact the Los Angeles Last-Minute Trial Attorneys at Tauler Smith LLP

The Tauler Smith litigation team handles high-stakes cases in both federal and state courtrooms throughout the United States. Our last-minute trial lawyers possess the skills, experience, and legal knowledge that will give you the best chance of winning your case.

You can call 310-590-3927 or email us to schedule a free consultation.